health insurance
Obamacare Open Enrollment
Obamacare open enrollment has begun and you can now sign up for a health insurance plan or change your current plan with no health questions asked. If you already have an Obamcare plan it's important to log in to and update your information and compare plans to be sure you still have the right plan for your situation. But don't delay, the open enrollment only lasts for 45 days and after that you must have a qualifying event in order to change health plans.
Cigna To Offer Health Plans In Florida
Cigna has announced that they will be offering health insurance in all Florida counties starting Jan. 1st 2019 Although their plans will be offered off of the exchange, it is a new option for those who do not qualify for a subsidy to help cover their monthly premiums. This is further proof that despite efforts to destroy it, the individual health market is alive and well.
Florida’s Attorney General Joins lawsuit
Pam Bondi, Florida's attorney general has announced that Florida will join 19 other state in a suit brought in Federal court seeking to end certain provisions of the Affordable Care Act. Specifically the plaintiffs argue that the prohibition against insurance companies insure those with preexisting conditions is unconstitutional. If they are successful, insurance companies would once again be able to deny people coverage based on there health conditions leaving around 8 million Floridians without health insurance. Governor Rick Scott who is running to replace Bill Nelson as one of Florida's senators supports Bondi's position saying " those with preexisting conditions [...]
Congressional Actions To Drive Up Obamacare Premiums
Congress was unable to agree to a bill that would repeal Obamacare but they took several steps in an attempt and weaken it. One Action was to add an amendment to the tax bill that repealed the individual mandate that individuals stay covered by health insurance. This move is expected to cause 3 to 4 million young healthy people to drop their health insurance which will cause the remaining insurance pool to get older and sicker. If this happens, premiums are expected to rise by 15 to 20 percent. For those who receive a tax subsidy to help pay their [...]
Group Health Insurance Plans Can Be Started Anytime Of The Year
Many people believe that group health plans like Obamacare can only be started during the annual open enrollment, however that is not the case employee health insurance plans can be started anytime of the year. Also, if you have a plan all ready in place for your employees you can switch to a new plan with a new insurance company at any time, no need to wait until the current plan renews. Also, you only need two employees to start a plan and the rates are the same as they would be for a larger group.
Short Term Medical – the Affordable Obamacare Alternative
If you are currently are not covered by health insurance or struggling with the high cost of Obamacare, short term medical insurance maybe the answer. Short term medical plans are just like regular health insurance plans except they are purchased for a block of time, one day, one month, or a whole year. They offer all the same benefits as regular health insurance but because they are temporary they tend to be much cheaper. Also, you can apply anytime of the year and after answering a few short health questions, your coverage could start the very next day. Get a [...]